“Space & Climate Change Trivia – Celebrating World Space Week” by the Science Circle Moon Base Project The United Nations General Assembly declared that October 4-10 each year shall be […]
This week the Nobel Prizes were announced for Medicine, Chemistry, and Physics. Today we present a summary of the new Laureats and the works recognized for their distinguishing contributions to science. Nobel Prize website Presented by Stephen Gasior/Xootfly
The development of antibiotics to treat infectious disease is arguably the greatest medical breakthrough of the 20th century. The discovery of Salvarsan by Paul Ehrlich in 1909 established the Holy Grail: finding a cure for infectious disease. The hunt for drugs inaugurated an ‘Age of Dirt,’ when ever major pharmaceutical company had a team searching […]
Since the discovery of radioactivity, our understanding has steadily increased about how nuclear materials can be used to improve health. Individuals who worked with radioactive substances in the early decades of the 20th century were often exposed to dangerous amounts of radioactivity. Nuclear safety improved in the mid-20th century, and the application of nuclear phenomena to medicine […]