Welcome to the Discussion on the State of Our Nations! Greetings, forum members! We're diving into an engaging and insightful discussion about the current state of our respective nations. This is a fantastic opportunity to share updates, express concerns, and celebrate achievements happening in our corners of the world. Whether you're from a bustling […]
This talk will feature how I created Virtual Reality simulations of dinosaurs and their ecosystems using the Unity 3D game engine for the Virginia Museum of Natural History's dinosaur festivals and for students at Franklin County High School in Virginia. The simulations were very popular with k12 students, and parents were supportive of my efforts. […]
In the weeks leading up to the Science Circle Forums, you will be given a choice of 5 topics for discussion. The Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Opinion: - Discuss the influence of social media platforms on political opinions, news dissemination, and public discourse. Are social media companies doing enough to […]
Participating as The Science Circle in the International Observe the Moon Night Event Overview The Science Circle invites you to join the International Observe the Moon Night, a global event dedicated to lunar observation and appreciation. This year, the event will be held on Saturday, September 14 at 10 AM PDT. What is International […]
In the weeks leading up to the Science Circle Forums, you will be given a choice of 5 topics for discussion. Data Privacy in the Digital Age: - Discuss the importance of data privacy and the challenges of protecting personal information online. How can individuals safeguard their data, and what responsibilities do companies […]
Triangles: A Tale of Obsession The secret superpower of Second Life is the many activities related to lifelong learning. One of those is this Science Circle and there are many others, from philosophy to folkdancing. This is a story of how I became obsessed with some of the properties of triangles when I started attending […]
“The Art of the Argument” by Phil Youngblood, PhD As we experience life, we each develop a model of how the world works in our heads. This is a critical development because the world must make sense for us to be able to operate within it. However, since we each have a different set of […]
“Space & Climate Change Trivia – Celebrating World Space Week” by the Science Circle Moon Base Project The United Nations General Assembly declared that October 4-10 each year shall be […]