Information Revolution! The First 50 Years of the Internet By: Phil Youngblood, PhD With the exception of the printing press, the way information was shared and stored two hundred […]
COMBATING NEGATIVE THINKING The human brain seems to favor negative experiences, memories, and thought over positive ones, why? Is this an evolutionary lesson or a societal one? How do we […]
Virtual Institutions from the Perspectives of a Geographer and Biologist People tend to think of geography at any given time as little more than static points, lines, and areas on […]
Re-purposing Human Talent AI art and chatGPT may be another example of humans losing business/work to a machine.... OR IS IT? Today we'll be discussing ways in which we can […]
Darwin Day Heroes of Evolution: Svante Pääbo By Dr. Stephen L. Gasior Abstract: Much of science is about pushing the boundaries of technology to build the future. However, in […]
In honor and celebration of Science Circle’s 15th Anniversary, we present two new projects for your edification and delight. From 10:00 – 10:30 AM, Robert Hendrix (Tagline Resident) will discuss […]
An Astrophysical and Geological Analysis of the Middlesboro, Kentucky, USA Asteroid Crater The town of Middlesboro, Kentucky, USA is located within an Asteroid Crater that formed sometime in the last […]
Moonbase Brainstorm Session Following our introduction last week of the Moonbase Project the Science Circle is undertaking, we want to hear from you! we invite you to join us for […]
"Please have a drawing compass, a straightedge (e.g., ruler) with pencil and paper at hand on which to jot notes or create geometric constructions and logic tables"
Natural Language Processing I nearly copied an abstract generated by ChatGPT… I told it to write an abstract for this presentation in the style of Bugs Bunny, then I put it in a word-cloud in my poster 😊. ERHEM!… Although much of my work over the recent years has involved deep learning in the context […]