Calendar of Events
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CRISPR Year in Review 2022
CRISPR Year in Review 2022
Every year there are new advances in genome engineering enabled by CRISPR/Cas editing systems. In this talk, the most important and interesting news in CRISPR-based gene editing from 2022 will be presented. Come learn about Technology Advances, New Tools, Intellectual Property, and Target Genes and Modified Organisms from a practitioner in the field. This year's emphasis will […]
Alternate Energy sources
Alternate Energy sources
Alternate Energy sources As coal becomes harder and harder to obtain, we will need to replace it with more sustainable energy sources. During this discussion we will ask what possibilities we have, and how easily it can be done! Is this the first time you will attend a presentation with us? Follow this link […]
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BB: Climate Change Priorities
BB: Climate Change Priorities
Last year President Biden sign into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which provides, at long last, hundred of billions dollars in climate change action funding. In view of this and other progress around the world, join us at the Science Circle to discuss which climate change initiatives should have priority. For example, should mitigation be […]
COVID19, two years later
COVID19, two years later
COVID19, two years later Time flies - it's been two years since the covid pandemic and the virus has basically become a fact of life, at least for now. Think about how things have or have not changed, how people deal with it in 2022/2023 versus 2020 and give us your opinion on how we're […]
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Come down, down, down to the Sea with me
Come down, down, down to the Sea with me
Come down, down, down to the Sea with me When you look down at the sea, do you wonder what lies beneath the surface waters? The ocean’s dark waters hold many mysteries and secrets yet to be revealed. Earth’s oceans are vast, covering more than 70% of Planet. How much of the oceans to you […]
Why education?
Why education?
Why education? Today we ask you some questions, why is education so important to you? What do you think are it's advantages or disadvantages? How can it improve, extend it's reach, what are problems within the system that you see and want to address? Is this the first time you will attend a presentation […]
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The SC in the VWEC Eduverse
The SC in the VWEC Eduverse
The SC in the VWEC Eduverse By: Phil Youngblood, PhD Kind of like residents who never venture outside of the remote village in which they live, it is easy in Second Life not to realize that there is a great big virtual world beyond the borders of the 250mX250m space that defines each region. You […]
Internet Security
Internet Security
Internet Security Your data is one of your most valuable assets. Given that fact, in your opinion are companies who gather it doing their utmost to keep it from being hacked and leaked, for your safety but also for their advertising profits? Why/why not? Is this the first time you will attend a […]