Warm Up with Classical Music with Ari Time to socialize and network with friends, old and new! Come enjoy the lovely classical piano music of Ari (Arisia Vita). At many events he noticed the presence of a piano and it occurred to him that as long as he appeared to be playing, he could make […]
Interviewer: Kevin Feenan (RL) Phelan Corrimal (SL), VWBPE Director; Rockcliffe University Consortium Invited Speaker: Patch Linden Join Phelan and Patch at this Above the Book interview as they explore what’s new at Linden Lab and the impact on educators and non-profit organizations in Second Life. Accessibility: Voice to text transcription Locations: Auditorium – Area 52: […]
Speakers: William Schmachtenberg / Dae Miami Schools frequently do field trips in real life to museums, but with the recent focus on online learning due to COVID, why not take students on a virtual world tour to a museum or a field trip to the Cretaceous and see amazing dinosaurs in their habitat. These tours […]
Speaker: Steven R. Van Hook / Kip Roffo, Educare Research Inc. Virtual World learning may provide immersive hand-on experience for engaging students and offering a sense of place and belonging so important to student success and retention in online education. This presentation covers: evolution of virtual world learning, academic necessities for learning alternatives, socioeconomic drivers, […]
Speakers: Myron Curtis / Darkeagle Darkstone, California Community Colleges; Keith Clement California’s Cybersecurity Taskforce’s Education Subcommittee has developed and is promoting Cybersecurity Curriculum that starts in K-12 and progresses through Community Colleges to the 4 year Universities. It includes badges, certificates, and degrees. Since the world needs trained professionals in this field, and Virtual Worlds […]
Reflecting on VWBPE VWBPE has finished for another year, today you're invited to come and reflect on it. Tell stories of presentations or collaborations you have done for it in the past, share favorite moments. Talk about your hopes for it's future. Maybe you have ideas to improve it? Non-members only need to register […]
Galaxy Formation Galaxies are the basic building blocks of the universe at large scales, and understanding of their formation and evolution is one of the major goals of cosmology. I […]
Autism “If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.” -Dr. Stephen Shore. “Autism . . . offers a chance for us to glimpse an awe-filled […]
When Facebook announced Meta and touted its VW platform that somehow integrates with the real world, many pointed out that a lot of its features were old hat in Second Life. Although FBs partnership with Linden Labs for the Sansar VR platform has been abandoned, it seems clear the experience with Sansar informed FBs stategic […]
Human Spaceflight “Space is for everybody. It’s not just for a few people in science or math, or for a select group of astronauts. That’s our new frontier out there, and it’s everybody’s business to know about space.” -Christa McAuliffe. Non-members only need to register once. Is this the first time you will attend […]
The Dynamic Geology of Asia-Oceania The dynamic geology of the Asia-Oceania region might be viewed as a metaphor for the history of the area itself. While living in harmony with earth, water, fire, and air during tranquil times, each generation is reminded of the tension and power inherent in these elements, in the form of […]
Mother Earth Day "The Earth is what we all have in common.” -Wendell Berry “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead Non-members only need to register once. Is this the first time you will attend a […]
What's Happening in the World of Synthetic Biology: A Report From A Global Conference The speaker will be attending SynBioBeta Global Conference and will provide a consumer-friendly update on some of the highlights. Synthetic Biology is a toolkit of techniques of biological engineering to improve or design organisms for an optimized purpose. It looks […]
Art "To be an artist is to believe in life." -Henry Moore "Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world, and letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy." -Albert Einstein Non-members only need to register once. Is this the first time you will […]