The NEW Interactive brain

Whole Brain Health

How Your Brain Works: This is an interactive experience created by Osangar, an fmri researcher. The NEW Brodmann's Brain allows visitors to explore how 52 regions of the brain are correlated with body processes that occur when, for example, meditating, driving a car, having various kinds of thoughts and feelings. Osangar will demonstrate how this […]


Mars & Opportunity rover

Explorer Island

"Mars and Opportunity rover" Tour guide: Hajime Nishimura (JAMSTEC)/ Yan Lauria (Abyss Observatory and Education Portal) Date/ Time: 8th June (Sat), 2019 at 7 am PDT/  14:00 GMT/ 23:00 Japan   Location: Start from Mars field of Explorer Island  TP to Mars Victoria Crater Bonus: Astreroid Ryugu and Hayabusa2, International Spaceflight Museum (You need to […]


Tour of the Geology Museum

Geology Museum

Title: Tour of the Geology Museum and discussion of Bill Schmachtenberg's current and past research ABSTRACT:  A few years ago, James Madison University gave Bill Schmachtenberg (Dae Miami  SL) permission to create a virtual geology museum on their sim. Unfortunately, the JMU campus on SL shut down. The Science Circle stepped in and has generously […]


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