Artificial Intelligence? The truth behind a fascinating buzzword.


Artificial Intelligence? The truth behind a fascinating buzzword. Nowadays it is almost impossible to read newspapers or watch media without encountering the words "Artificial Intelligence or AI". These words evoke in most people either scaring remembrances of sci-fi movies or anticipations of a bright future where human beings will be freed of any duty and […]


Biology and Racism


Biology and Racism Rarely explored in conversations about race are the actual biological underpinnings of differences in skin color, eye color, hair, etc. This talk will explore the genetics and physiology of what creates these differences in appearance. And when possible, discuss the origins and “why’s” of these genes. Further discussion on concepts of “race” and […]


Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Failure in Human Disease


  Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Failure in Human Disease Some two billion years ago, a seminal, endosymbiotic event occurred: a larger, anaerobic bacterial cell ingested a smaller, aerobic prokaryotic ‘germ’. This […]


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