Telomere to Telomere: Completion of the Human Genome


Telomere to Telomere: Completion of the Human Genome Max Chatnoir (RL Mary Anne Clark, Texas Wesleyan University) In 2001, two research groups published reports on the sequence of the human genome, whose euchromatic sequence was then subsequently largely completed, chromosome by chromosome. A reference sequence was released in 2013 and updated in 2019. In April […]


Internet Law

Patio in Paris

Internet Law " is an area today that has very few regulations and even fewer rules" - Gary Kovacs "As the most participatory form of mass speech yet developed, the Internet deserves the highest protection from government intrusion." - Judge Dalzell Today's discussion will center around the concept of Internet Law and how it could, […]


Educare Region Tour


Think back on your first days in a virtual world: A confounding jumble of pop-up options blocking the scenery; embarrassing moments stuck bouncing off walls — that’s what we may […]


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