Second Life vs The Metaverse

The Lighthouse Café

When Facebook announced Meta and touted its VW platform that somehow integrates with the real world, many pointed out that a lot of its features were old hat in Second Life. Although FBs partnership with Linden Labs for the Sansar VR platform has been abandoned, it seems clear the experience with Sansar informed FBs stategic […]


Human Spaceflight


Human Spaceflight “Space is for everybody. It’s not just for a few people in science or math, or for a select group of astronauts. That’s our new frontier out there, […]


The Dynamic Geology of Asia-Oceania


The Dynamic Geology of Asia-Oceania The dynamic geology of the Asia-Oceania region might be viewed as a metaphor for the history of the area itself. While living in harmony with earth, water, fire, and air during tranquil times, each generation is reminded of the tension and power inherent in these elements, in the form of […]


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