Optics for Photographers


A tutorial on "Optics for photographers”. This tutorial is intended to teach practical optical concepts to persons who are photographers but have not had formal training in optics and may have acquired misleading notions from camera advertisements, the common talk on forums, and the like. The tutorial outline is shown below. Optics for Photographers by […]


Ultra Deep Science Drill Ship

Abyss Observatory in Japan Open Grid

Photo: JAMSTEC Where? Abyss Observatory in JOGrid (OpenSim) Enable your OpenSim access here hop://jogrid.net:8002/Abyss Observatory/491/302/140 Who? Hajime Nishimura, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC),           Yan Lauria, Museum director […]


Climate Change


Monthly panel discussion With this week as subject “Climate Change” Moderator: Matthew Burr - Beragon Betts       Panel participants: Keith Eric Grant Phil Youngblood William F. Wall   Listen to the podcast episodes of Phil Youngblood & Matthew Burr Episode 1 & Episode 2   To make your questions visible to our host […]


Open Board Meeting


Every first Friday of the month, we hold an open board meeting for the benefit of our members. Here you can contact us with your questions, create ideas and hopefully together with us, give substance to our plans for the future. During every open board meeting we display a screen with our current statistics, updated […]


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