How Will I Live? The Sociology of Providing for Others


Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) defined a hierarchy of needs that motivate human behavior. The most basic of needs are associated with survival, namely those that answer the question, “How Will I Live?” These basic needs include breathing, eating and drinking, finding shelter, clothing, and warmth, sex, and sleep. Once these are met, there are safety […]


LIVE: Artemis I Moon Mission Launch


NASA is targeting 2:17 p.m. EDT on Saturday, Sept. 3, for the launch of Artemis I, the first integrated test of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, Orion spacecraft, and […]


The Webb Telescope

Science Circle East Cabin

The Webb Telescope NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has peered into the chaos of the Cartwheel Galaxy, revealing new details about star formation and the galaxy’s central black hole. Webb’s […]


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