SC Trivia test hour


After the previous test run we added 600+ Science, History & General knowledge questions. Time set: 30 seconds Range: 20 meters

“Sterile Neutrinos: a new particle not known to our Standard Model?”


Photo: PNAS   Abstract: Over the last year, sterile neutrinos have been in the news. There is some suggestion that evidence for them is present in experimental data, but it's still very uncertain. If they're real, it would be very exciting for particle physics, which has the interesting conundrum of a model that is *too good* […]

Science Trivia


Because the academic year has started again, we also like to give our teachers the opportunity to make a relaxed start and that is why we will play two full hours of Science-Trivia. Walk in when it suits you, put on some background music, take care of tea, coffee or something stronger and arrive home. […]