Chemistry Experiments in Virtual Worlds

Photo: VWBPE Lecture hall A Presenter: Wendy L. Keeney-Kennicutt/Julia Tiraxibar (Avatar) Educators and Trainers The design, implementation and assessment of college-level chemistry experiments conducted in Second Life suggest that VWs […]

Our Brains, Ourselves, Our Worlds

Presenters: Thuja Hynes (Avatar) Advocacy and NonProfit Lissena Advocacy and NonProfit A Virtual Interactive Model of the Five Pillars of Whole-Brain Health connects the goals of healthy Neuroplasticity and Collective […]

If They Build It, They Will Come!

Presenters: Carolyn Lowe/Clowey Greenwood (Avatar) Educators and Trainers Amy Pihlainen/Elsie Ocello (Avatar) Educators and Trainers The authors, working with children ages 10 through 14, have found that allowing the students […]

Etopian Evolution for Real World Solutions

Photo Etopia Presenter: G Ronnie Kraegel/Namaara MacMoragh (Avatar) Advocacy and NonProfit As an ever evolving project, Etopia is designed to bridge SL and RL by providing safe, educational space and […]

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