Chemistry Experiments in Virtual Worlds

Photo: VWBPE Lecture hall A Presenter: Wendy L. Keeney-Kennicutt/Julia Tiraxibar (Avatar) Educators and Trainers The design, implementation and assessment of college-level chemistry experiments conducted in Second Life suggest that VWs can be effective for teaching chemistry laboratory. In this pilot study, 55 students successfully completed two virtual experiments and showed learning gains similar to 67 […]

Our Brains, Ourselves, Our Worlds

Presenters: Thuja Hynes (Avatar) Advocacy and NonProfit Lissena Advocacy and NonProfit A Virtual Interactive Model of the Five Pillars of Whole-Brain Health connects the goals of healthy Neuroplasticity and Collective Learning. Participants learn brain structure and function as they engage in a spectrum of activities, capture their experiences digitally in images and text, and contribute […]

If They Build It, They Will Come!

Presenters: Carolyn Lowe/Clowey Greenwood (Avatar) Educators and Trainers Amy Pihlainen/Elsie Ocello (Avatar) Educators and Trainers The authors, working with children ages 10 through 14, have found that allowing the students to create the learning spaces increases engagement, deep learning, and motivation to learn and do more. This presentation will demonstrate this through showcasing the many […]

Etopian Evolution for Real World Solutions

Photo Etopia Presenter: G Ronnie Kraegel/Namaara MacMoragh (Avatar) Advocacy and NonProfit As an ever evolving project, Etopia is designed to bridge SL and RL by providing safe, educational space and activities for skills exploration with partners such as Peninsula College and Brain Energy Support Team. The benefits of learning social, sustainable, and behavioral skills in […]

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