Darwin in the Mauritius
H.M.S. BeagleDarwin in the Mauritius By Phil Youngblood, PhD JUNE IS FIELD TRIP MONTH! Our first field trip this year will be to the area around the replica of the HMS Beagle on Science Circle Island. The Exhibit “Darwin in the Mauritius” is divided into two sections: The Second Voyage of the HMS Beagle (along […]
Fieldtrip: Abyss Observatory
Abyss ObservatoryAbyss Observatory "The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, […]
Classical Concert
The Lighthouse CaféMount Grace Priory (in OpenSim)
Mount Grace Piory in OpenSimMOUNT GRACE PRIORY This is a 4-sim simulation of a 15th Century Carthusian Priory, reconstructed as it was then using site plans and architectural drawings obtained from English Heritage, the UK’s historic monuments heritage protection organisation. Use the LM to go to the Briefing Area and read the briefing notes in English and […]