Big data: road to the future or just weapons of math destruction?


Big data: road to the future or just weapons of math destruction?    Big Data are like the God Janus: on the one end they offer great advantages, make our lives easier by offering us unlimited possibility to better organize our work and our everyday life; they allow us to achieve a better understanding of […]

Psychological benefits of walking in a virtual nature

Virtual Island of Natmoud

Abstract Can the benefits of nature walks for psychological well-being and cognitive ability be replicated in a purely virtual environment? The island of Natmoud was built in the virtual world of Second Life (SL) to see whether immersion in such an environment is possibly therapeutic. Residents of SL were invited to visit Natmoud and comment […]

Trivia Test run


Would you like to accompany us for an hour of Science Trivia? Today we are testing the game!

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