Mathematics Club

Maths Club

"Please have a drawing compass, a straightedge (e.g., ruler) with pencil and paper at hand on which to jot notes or create geometric constructions and logic tables"


Project Moon Base


PROJECT MOON BASE Let’s bring the life on the moon to Second Life!  You heard about the origin of Project Moon Base on Feb 18 – now it’s time to hear the plan and join in making it real. Team Lead Tab Scott (Terry Beaubois) and eight other Science Circle members will present initial ideas […]


Natural Language Processing


Natural Language Processing I nearly copied an abstract generated by ChatGPT… I told it to write an abstract for this presentation in the style of Bugs Bunny, then I put it in a word-cloud in my poster 😊.   ERHEM!… Although much of my work over the recent years has involved deep learning in the context […]


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