Horse-hunting Crocodiles of Ancient Germany


About 45 million years ago, Germany was part of a warm subtropical set of islands, teeming with life. In this warm, greenhouse environment reptiles were enormously successful, reaching larger body sizes than mammals and pushing into new ecological roles. Explore the fascinating environment known as Geisletal with Dr. Alex Hastings as he presents some of […]


Sunday Concert

The Lighthouse Café

Weekly piano concerts by Earl Kiech at the lighthouse cafe. Wake up quietly, start your afternoon relaxed or take a seat in a comfortable armchair to end your day with us. No matter what time zone you are in, Earl’s music balances a stressful week at any time of the day.


Ethics Dimensions in Scientific Research


Every last Saturday of the month, Matthew Burr organizes a scientific panel.  Ethics Dimensions in Scientific Research       Guests   1. Dr. Stephen L. Gasior 2. Dr. Robert A. Hendrix 3. Professor Phil Youngblood     Matthew Burr Previous panels on film         Is this the first time you will […]


Sunday Concert

The Lighthouse Café

Weekly piano concerts by Earl Kiech at the lighthouse cafe. Wake up quietly, start your afternoon relaxed or take a seat in a comfortable armchair to end your day with us. No matter what time zone you are in, Earl’s music balances a stressful week at any time of the day.
