On Expectation and Prediction of Events


ON EXPECTATION and PREDICTION OF EVENTS with PROOF THAT LARGE NUMBERS RULE eventually... Every event, and configuration of events in the Universe is something of an accident arising from RANDOM arrangements, and secondarily, self-organizing complexity can occur. Biological evolution has selected for increasingly intricate and efficient neuro-processing by which living things can fulfil basic needs […]


Our ideal Virtual World


Our ideal Virtual World "Virtual reality promises a kind of transcendence of the limits of physical reality." -Frank Biocca, Taeyong Kim & Mark R. Levy. "VR will become something everyone wants before it becomes something everyone can afford." -Lucky Palmer   Non-members only need to register once. Is this the first time you will attend […]


Men & Women & Etc.

The Lighthouse Café

Biology, socialization, culture, economics, and the internet all influence our perceptions and experience of our gender. Let’s talk about it!   A discussion hosted by Matt Burr at the Light […]


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