“Recent developments in solar cells- perovskites”


Harvesting energy from sunlight continues to be an active area of research which has the potential to benefit society at large. The best silicon-based solar cells have efficiencies around 25% after decades of research. Recently, solar cells based on materials which adopt a structure analogous to the mineral perovskite have shown the potential for high-efficiency […]

VWBPE 2019


Following the upcoming "Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education" (VWBPE) we invite you to participate in the consultation with our board Saturday after Mike Shaw's  "Recent developments in solar cells- perovskites" presentation.   VWBPE March 2011 (Including Deepthinker Oh, Yan Lauria, Arisia Vita, Quaezar Agnomen, Vic Michalak and Chantal)   In recent years, SC has […]



While the American part of SC celebrates Thanksgiving, the remaining cultures share an online hour of Science Trivia. Come join us at this favourable time for Australia, Japan, India, Russia and Europe!

Biodiversity, Life on Earth

Your RL Environment

  The earth is home to around 10 million described forms of life and biologists estimate the total amount of different species at about 40 million species. Importantly, variation in […]


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