Deep Learning


Deep Learning In 2021 I had the opportunity to give a presentation on computer vision and bias in artificial intelligence. I touched on a subset of AI methods termed "Deep learning". In this presentation I hope to discuss the principles and utility of these methods, share some of my experiences in learning about and applying […]


2020s Vision: The Future Is Nearly Now


In a daily fog of uncertainty, we may lose track of transformational changes just over the horizon. So where are we headed? Some of the world’s smartest people in government, social research, academia, business, economics, science, and other fields have looked 20 years into the future and seen a time of abundance and shared opportunities. […]


Events or discoveries that inspire your love for Science


Events or discoveries that inspire your love for Science   "Beautiful, beautiful. Magnificent desolation." -NASA astronaut Buzz Aldrin as he followed Armstrong onto the moon's surface “Every brilliant experiment, like every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination.” -Jonah Lehrer       Non-members only need to register once. Is this the […]
