Science Trivia


Because the academic year has started again, we also like to give our teachers the opportunity to make a relaxed start and that is why we will play two full hours of Science-Trivia. Walk in when it suits you, put on some background music, take care of tea, coffee or something stronger and arrive home. […]

Two part talk by Dr. Gasior & debate


"Reducing Irreducible Complexity" "A Biological Basis for Morality" In this two part talk, Dr. Gasior discusses two crux arguments in the evolution versus religion debate. One counter concept to Darwinian evolution is the argument that biological systems are designed. And, an irreducibly complex machine must have had a designer. A deconstruction of this line of […]

Open board meeting

From September on, every third Wednesday of the month, we hold an open board meeting for the benefit of our members. Here you can contact us with your questions, create ideas and hopefully together with us, give substance to our plans for the future. Depending on the turnout in the first weeks, we determine a […]



ABSTRACT: The eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii is the latest example of the active role of volcanoes on the Earth. This presentation will present research on what makes certain volcanoes explosive and others gentle. I will also present research on ancient volcanoes in Virginia. Some of  these volcanoes are well understood in terms of plate […]

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