Human Papillomavirus


Illustration: Picture of the Neighborhood - Anatomy of the upper airway & upper digestive tract from Anatomy and Physiology Author: OpenStax; 22.1 Organs and Structures of the Respiratory System by […]


Human Papillomavirus


Illustration: Picture of the Neighborhood – Anatomy of the upper airway & upper digestive tract from Anatomy and Physiology Author: OpenStax; 22.1 Organs and Structures of the Respiratory System by Rice University, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License   GOAL: to raise public awareness and understanding of disease consequent of HPV infection […]


Animal behaviour: Ability to learn


Monthly panel discussion With this week as subject “Animal behaviour: Ability to learn"     Moderator: Matthew Burr – Beragon Betts   Panel participants: Linda Morris Kelley   To make your questions visible to our host and panel members, have your questions be preceded by 3 stars ***   Previous panels in the Film Collection […]


Innovators in global science education

VWBPE 2019 Quadrivium

Compass Point Round Table Discussion at Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2019 Presenters: Mike Shaw (SL: Shawza Tunwarm), Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Matthew Burr (SL: Beragon Betts); Robert Knop (SL: Prospero Frobozz); Phil Youngblood (SL: Vic Michalak); Stephen Gasior (SL: Stephen Xootfly) Description: The Science Circle is a 10 year old alliance of scientists, […]


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