What is it about The Science Circle and Second Life?


Second Life and The Science Circle has been going strong for over 13 years. That is a longer time than almost any of today’s social media platforms. What does Second […]


Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Failure in Human Disease


Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Failure in Human Disease Some two billion years ago, a seminal, endosymbiotic event occurred: a larger, anaerobic bacterial cell ingested a smaller, aerobic prokaryotic 'germ'. This beneficial union of two life forms led to the evolution of more highly organized eukaryotic cells with mitochondria as subcellular organelles. These mitochondria still retain their […]


Psychology & Personality


Discussion Psychology & Personality Psychology has emerged as an important topic for public discussion and education. It has gained new recognition as an important factor in politics, online behavior, domestic abuse, and crime. Psychology embraces not only mental illness but also personality types. It helps us understand the chaos of our times and provides tools […]


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