An Astrophysical and Geological Analysis of the Middlesboro, Kentucky, USA Asteroid Crater


An Astrophysical and Geological Analysis of the Middlesboro, Kentucky, USA Asteroid Crater The town of Middlesboro, Kentucky, USA is located within an Asteroid Crater that formed sometime in the last 300 Million years ago. I visited the crater to collect samples and take pictures of the rock outcrops within the crater during the Spring of […]


Moonbase Brainstorm Session

Moonbase Brainstorm Session Following our introduction last week of the Moonbase Project the Science Circle is undertaking, we want to hear from you! we invite you to join us for […]


Mathematics Club

"Please have a drawing compass, a straightedge (e.g., ruler) with pencil and paper at hand on which to jot notes or create geometric constructions and logic tables"


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