The Minecraft VRevolution: Collaborative Learning

Picture: Wikipedia The session features an panel of educators actively utilizing Minecraft in educational settings. Participants will explore how Minecraft can be utilized as a tool to motivate and engage young 21st century learners. Diverse examples of integration will be presented for participant consideration. The panel will discuss creative and innovative ways to integrate Minecraft […]

Conversation with Ebbe Altberg

Presenter: Ebbe Altberg/Ebbe Linden (Avatar) Moderator: Kevin Feenan/Phelan Corrimal Join us for an engaging conversation with Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg, who once again opens up about topics that are most important to educators and communities of practice within Second Life. Topics will vary and conversation will flow organically. More information & location

How to Get There from Here

Presenter: Barbara McQueen/Barbara Novelli (Avatar) Educators and Trainers Teachers are often unnerved by how much they need to learn to best use virtual worlds as a part of their technology arsenal. So they don’t use virtual worlds or only use them in a very limited way. This presentation will detail: The most important virtual world […]

Improving Digital Literacy – A Solvable Challenge using Virtual Worlds

Presenter: Marie Vans/amvans lapis (Avatar) Educators and Trainers Valerie Hill/Valibrarian Gregg Educators and Trainers Virtual World librarians are positioned to lead efforts to develop digital citizenship by developing programs that assist in the mastery of responsible and appropriate technology use, including online identity, communication etiquette, and rights and responsibilities by learners. We present the definition […]

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