Tchaikovsky, a concert for Jes Stannard


In honor of the birthday of Jes Stannard, a classical concert for members and non-members. Take a guest with you, or come and enjoy a private hour of beautiful classical […]


The NEW Interactive brain

Whole Brain Health

How Your Brain Works: This is an interactive experience created by Osangar, an fmri researcher. The NEW Brodmann's Brain allows visitors to explore how 52 regions of the brain are […]


Mars & Opportunity rover

Explorer Island

"Mars and Opportunity rover" Tour guide: Hajime Nishimura (JAMSTEC)/ Yan Lauria (Abyss Observatory and Education Portal) Date/ Time: 8th June (Sat), 2019 at 7 am PDT/  14:00 GMT/ 23:00 Japan […]


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