Choking on Red Pills: A Biological Take on Modern Dating Dynamics


The basic tenet of biology is reproduction to continue the species. Evolution and genetics has programmed every species' to follow behaviors to ensure the next generation. Sometimes this has resulted in seemingly contradictory behaviors like male spiders sacrificing themselves after mating. Given this pattern of programming in sexually reproducing species, it is flabbergasting that some […]


Virtual Teaching Tactics to Help a Divided World


Virtual Teaching Tactics to Help a Divided World Educators can be Covid-challenged to keep students and funds flowing, while promoting healthy and enriching academic options. Virtual World learning may provide […]


Organic Chem Basics: Diels-Alder and similar reactions


Organic Chem Basics: Diels-Alder and similar reactions The 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Dr. Benjamin List (Max PLack Institute)  and Dr. David MacMillam (Princeton University) for "the […]


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