Dickens Project exemplifies virtual collaboration

VWBPE Lecture Area A

  Photo: Dickens Festival Deventer, Netherlands   Dickens Project exemplifies virtual collaboration   Distance Connections Presentations   Charles Dickens Constructivism Historical Simulation SPOTLIGHT Presenters: Valerie Hill (SL: Valibrarian Gregg), Peninsula College; Breiana Theodore (SL: Jodie Landon); Mary Pat Lynch (SL: Aoife Lorefield) Description: The Dickens Project, a virtual simulation of A Christmas Carol and the […]


Science of Science: big data, A.I: and the future of science


Abstract Big data and artificial intelligence have become a new mantra in the media and in the government’s agendas. The talk will address two main topics: on the one hand, it will try to explain why the hype about AI is completely unmotivated (AI is still far to come) while, on the other, it will […]


Top-Ten Science Circle Podcast Takeaways


Top-Ten Science Circle Podcast Takeaways This presentation features background and audio excerpts from premier episodes of the Science Circle Podcast. Recorded guests include Phil Youngblood (SL: Vic Michalak), Stephen Gasior (SL: Stephen Xootfly), Rob Knop (SL: Prospero Frobozz), Greg Perrier (SL: Dodge Threebeards), Michael Shaw (SL: Shawza Tunwarm), Matthew Burr (SL: Beragon Betts), Robert Hendrix […]


“Luna: The Earth’s Moon”


On very short notice "Luna: The Earth's Moon"   By Dr. William Wall  (Syzygy Asymptote SL)   Dr. William Wall has participated 3 times in Panel Discussions, namely; - Fermi Paradox - Science Fiction in Movies & Series - The sequel to Science Fiction in Movies       Is this the first time you will […]


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