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“Our Place in the Universe!”

05/10/2019 @ 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM PDT


“Our Place in the Universe!”

A public presentation and continued educational journey.

Facilitated by Phil Youngblood / SL: Vic Michalak

Let us explore science together in Second Life!


Last time we started our journey investigating the nature and practice of science over the years. This time we will celebrate World Space Week (4-10 October 2019) by examining our place in the universe.

In 1957, Kees Boeke wrote an essay entitled “Cosmic View: The Universe in 40 jumps”. In 1977, Charles and Ray Eames produced an award-winning short documentary entitled “Powers of Ten” that investigated the world of the very small (quarks) to the very large (the observable universe). “Cosmic Voyage” in 1996, presented at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum and in IMAX theaters worldwide, completed a similar journey.

In Part II of our continuing sequence to “Explore Science in Second Life!” we will jump ahead another 20 years or so and create our own unique version of this concept using examples in Second Life and other sources. It is appropriate that we will be meeting in the Planetarium building on Science Circle island.


We will continue to explore STE(A)M topics regularly by first visiting sites on Science Circle island and then exploring the various fields of science and applied science in Second Life. As we journey together, we will develop a guide to science in Second Life and other open sources for the purpose of promoting dialogue and education across STEAM disciplines. My aim is to facilitate a journey to create a sustainable forum for learning the science behind the news, our Science Circle presentations, and our daily life encounters. 

We welcome novices, experts, and everyone in between! We will meet for one hour each session. You are welcome to attend any sessions you are able. Biweekly sessions will include presentations, field trips, ‘scavenger hunts’, building things, visits by experts, global issues, and finding answers to questions you have.

Information about past and upcoming sessions will be posted on the Science Circle website so you can ‘catch up’ on what you missed and know what is coming next. We are also planning an online discussion area where you can pose or answer questions.


Facilitated by Phil Youngblood / SL: Vic Michalak

Previous work from Phil in the Library

Previous presentations in the Film Collection

Podcast – Guest: Phil Youngblood



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6:00 AM - 7:00 AM PDT


Nikolai’s Planetarium


Phil Youngblood