Deepy (Deepthinker Oh) is an educational psychologist with a long standing love of journalism and previous experience as the editor of MANIERA magazine. Deepthinker Oh's use of the SLBN logo does not constitute approval by or a representation or endorsement from Linden Lab.
It seems, these days, that environmental studies are more political than scientific. Friedrich Nietzsche said, βHe who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby becomes a monster. And […]
The Earth is over four billion years old. How do we know this? There are no written records because no one was around to write them. A lot of people […]
The Science Circle is taking a Summer holiday break from July 1 to September 1 and Hypothesis! is following suit. So, for today… here is a small trip down hypothetical […]
When I learned to program a computer, my university only owned ONE computer. It was an IBM 1620 digital computer. It had a memory bank made up of tiny magnets […]