Deepy (Deepthinker Oh) is an educational psychologist with a long standing love of journalism and previous experience as the editor of MANIERA magazine. Deepthinker Oh's use of the SLBN logo does not constitute approval by or a representation or endorsement from Linden Lab.
Comets fascinate me. They are wondrous visitors from the deep, cold fastness of space. The comet NEOWISE is in our sky now and it fills me with wonder. I have […]
A number of years ago I facilitated a Science Circle discussion about why learning math is so hard. Twelve Science Circle participants shared their ideas on this question. We all […]
I grew up in an academic environment and learned as a guiding principle… It is my curiosity and intelligence that drives my search for understanding and knowledge, but those products […]
A few days ago, the Science Circle led a field trip to the Sustainable Energy Science Lab on Etopia Island. The tour was led by Windy Schor (Shawn Reeves from […]