Deepy (Deepthinker Oh) is an educational psychologist with a long standing love of journalism and previous experience as the editor of MANIERA magazine. Deepthinker Oh's use of the SLBN logo does not constitute approval by or a representation or endorsement from Linden Lab.
This month we explore why science is like an elephant. Remember the story of five blind people each trying to describe an elephant by just touching one part of the […]
Modern farming practices are ruining the land. The great grass prairie of the central United States was destroyed by plowing and monoculture in the nineteenth century. Clearcutting and intentional wildfires […]
It’s October and time again for my annual column where science meets Halloween. That was my goal when I began this column, however the link proved tenuous. I’ll give you […]
When I was a kid in the 1950s, my dad was active in the East Bay Astronomical Society. Every month the society held a meeting at Chabot Observatory and I […]